Guide in Vilnius

Tour Type: Private walking tour
Tour Duration: 2 hours

Highlights of Riga Walking Tour:

  • You will visit the main churches including the famous St. Dom Cathedral
  • You will learn about German, Swedish and Russian period in Latvia
  • You will find out why cats are so important in Riga

Riga walking tour is the best way to explore a rich history and an exciting architecture of the old town. Crawling through narrow Riga Old Town streets you will visit remarkable sights like St. Peter’s Church, St. Jacobs Church, Dom Square and St. Dom Cathedral. The local tour guide will tell you stories about the Powder Tower, the Swedish Gate and city walls, the oldest stone residential dwellings in Riga known as Three Brothers, the Great and Small Guilds. The interesting stories of Cat House and Town Hall Square with beautiful and elegant Blackheads House will transfer you to back ages. The tour will take you to pass by Riga Castle and the building of Parliament.

This tour could be combined with Art Nouveau district tour.